Saturday, August 29, 2009


The generosity of others amazes me. This morning, members of the Belleview Masonic Lodge rise before dawn to prepare a benefit pancake breakfast in Colby's memory. More than 100 people come by and I have the chance to chat with several long-time friends. We share a few smiles and a few more tears. The meal is excellent and I hope that those in Nashville who read this will support other functions of this organization. They are kind and great people.

Tonight Colby's friends gather to share music and love in his memory. I go early and thank them all for being Colby's friend, for loving him, and for gathering this evening to remember him. Colby would be a little embarrassed at the attention, but also very, very pleased.

Today reminds me that there really is only one important thing in life and that is the people we love. I think as a whole that we do not appreciate enough those who are closest to us. Those people we love and care about really are irreplaceable. Daily life often gets in the way of what is important, and I hope Colby's passing gives everyone who reads this blog the incentive to cherish and hold tight those who are closest to them. I was fortunate. Colby and I always said "I love you" to each other. I'd give anything to let him know how much I really meant it.

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