Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Today was a little better. Less emotional, anyway. I ride Colby's bike in the evening, flying through neighborhood streets and pedaling until my legs are on fire. It feels good. The bike is a nice one and I now know why he spent so much time on it. I feel close to him when I ride. It's been many years since I rode regularly and I am wobbly at times. I hear Colby's voice in my head, "Careful, now," as I navigate sidewalks and curbs, bumps, intersections and traffic. And I am. I am careful.

I find an Internet support group that welcomes me and I read about so many young people with stories similar to Colby's. Knowing that other people's children had the same problem helps. Knowing other parents are dealing with the same thoughts and emotions that I am helps. I am deeply sorry for them, for their loss. But I am grateful I have found them.

Several people have posted thoughts about Colby on his memorial web site. I add more information and hope to add more photos tomorrow. Right now I am tired and I miss my son.

Several of Colby's friends need prayers. Please pray for angels to surround them and help them through their difficulties. These are good people who have tough circumstances. Life can be hard sometimes but I know they will get through these trials.

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